Year 11 Rules!

This page is devoted to explaining the rules of V.O.N.C - Extreme for the Year 11 games.


There are 2 players each sat next to each other on chairs of the same height and make, the goal will be placed before any covering created by a side bulkhead. A piece of A3 papers is screwed up into a firm ball and used.

Players shoot at the bin and if they score they win a point, however if they miss the opponent wins a point. The game is played up two 15 points but when one player reaches the 10 points mark the bin is moved back for every shot missed (eventually ending up in the alcove caused by the covering presenting more of a challenge for an advanced player).

The 14 point is known as the “Penultimate Uno Round” and scoring is key at this time.

Tips and tricks of the trade are on the Game Statistics page.